Abuse Report / 滥用举报
The preferred way to report content on our network ( AS213891 & AS4242422034 ) is an email to abuse@932.moe
. When sending an email, please describe briefly why the reported material should be removed. Providing context helps us act faster.
要举报任何我们网络上的滥用行为,首选方式是向 abuse@932.moe
The following information is required:
- Source IP address(es)
- Destination IP address(es)
- Destination port(s)
- Exact date/time stamp and timezone of the activity
The preferred method for reporting harmful content on any service sponsored or operated by WolfWolf Inc. is to send an email to abuse@932.moe
with the specific name of the service in the header and the following basic information to facilitate our investigation:
要举报任何是 WolfWolf Inc. 赞助或运营的服务上的有害内容,首选方式是向 abuse@932.moe
- Your work email
- The exact URL of the specific harmful content
- When you first discovered the harmful content
After submitting a report, please do not expect a written response from us. We investigate and act on all reports, but due to limited staff resources and the possibility of duplicate reports, we do not normally take the time to update you on the progress of your report.